We want to invite you to join us for worship and any of the activities you’ll find here on our website.  If you don’t have a spiritual home, please consider Mt. Calvary!

We are Christians of many backgrounds who join together to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Our mission is to love God, love others and  serve the world. Community happens here!


What does Mt. Calvary teach?

We focus on God’s grace. Even though we are people who do wrong every day, God still loves us and wants to forgive us and make us His children. God loves us so much that He sent us Jesus to pay for the wrongs that we have done and open up the doors of heaven to us through faith in Him. As forgiven people we strive to live in a loving relationship with Him and each other for now and into eternity.

What are the worship services like?

Every service has songs and hymns, a simple confession of sins, Bible readings, a creed, a message on God’s Word, offering, prayers and closing song.  While the basic framework of the services is the same, each is unique in its style and feel. The 8:00 AM & 11 AM services are  traditional, and the Saturday 5:00 PM & Sunday 9:30 AM services are contemporary.  Feel free to check out our worship services on YouTube!

What are the sermons like?

Sermons are based each week on a text from the Bible. Our pastor takes the Bible text and explains what it means and then how we can apply it to our lives. Each Sunday you will hear about the life God wants us to live and the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins on the cross.

How do I dress?

Casual nice clothing is worn by most.

Are children welcome in worship?

Yes, they are always welcome. If they are young, they might also enjoy going to Sunday School during the 9:30 AM service.  We have a class for kids from age 2 years to 3rd grade down in the Ministry Center building on the other side of the parking lot from the church sanctuary.  We also have a class for 4th – 6th graders that starts in the sanctuary and then walks down to the Ministry Center after the singing.  Your kids are also welcome to sit with you in church.  We  have activity bags with quiet things for them to do during the service.  They are the brightly colored bags hanging on a rack in the lobby.

Am I welcome if I am not a Lutheran?

We have members and friends who have been part of many Christian denominations, including Calvary Chapel, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, and Episcopalian.

If I am part of the ELCA, will I see any differences in worship?

Maybe, maybe not. Since we are the only Lutheran church in our area, we strive to welcome all Lutherans and make them feel comfortable. Many of our Lutheran membership are from the ELCA and other church bodies.

Will anyone one embarrass me at church by making me stand up?

We have many visitors to our congregation and we try to greet them all with love and concern, but we do not do anything to draw attention to them during worship. However we might ‘mug’ you with a coffee cup filled with information on our church.

Do I have to put a lot of money in the offering plate?

As a visitor, we do not expect you to give anything during the offering. You are our guest for the service. We are glad to have you worshiping with us. Please fill out the guest book in the Narthex (entryway). Regular attendees and members are encouraged to give.

What kind of programs do you have for my children? 

We  love kids here at Mt. Calvary!  As mentioned above, we have Sunday School classes for kids from age 2 to sixth grade during the 9:30 AM service.  The kids learn about God’s love and stories from the Bible while doing crafts, playing games, and listening to an interactive lesson.  The younger class uses the Simply Loved Curriculum from Group Publishing and the older class discusses topics bases on the sermon.

On Tuesday nights we have our Awana Program for kids from age 3 years to sixth grade.  This exciting, high energy club teaches kids about the Bible and encourages Bible memorization.  The kids love the fun games and spending time with their friends each week.  In addition, we have various family activities throughout the year including Easter parties, egg hunts, Vacation Bible School, Trunk or Treat, and Breakfast with Santa for members of our church, schools, and the community.

Do you have activities for youth?

Yes, we have Jr. and Sr. High youth programs. These groups meet weekly during the school year and participate in service projects, beach trips, retreats, and mission outreaches. Our Youth Director, Sophie, keeps a busy schedule of activities and Christian growth for the youth.

Can I meet with your Pastor?  

Absolutely!   Our pastor, Randy Buecheler would be happy to talk with your here at church or in your home, whichever you prefer.  Call the church office (909) 337-1412 or speak with him personally to arrange a time.

How do I become a member?

Our church offers four new member classes a year. These classes cover the basic teachings of the church. You can also watch videos online and then meet with the Pastor. Call the church to sign up. If you are an active member of another Lutheran Church, you can transfer your membership after meeting with the Pastor. For more information about the new member class click here.

If you have any questions, you may contact the church office at 909-337-1412.  Office hours are Tu-Th, 10 AM to 4 PM.